Seed processing plant

Set of systems thought to maximize the productive efficiency, minimize the losses by breakages and reduce the handling movements.

Legumes processing plant

Our Legume Plant systems aim at the maximum flexibility to the different grades or shapes of legumes in one step, removing post processes and handling that cause quality deterioration.

Food processing plant

It consists of multiple systems, adjusted to many varieties of grains sharing a common factor: They are human direct foodstuff. These processes guarantee the highest quality of the final product and maximum profitability.

Peanut Processing Plant

When shelling, our systems permit the separation of all the grain sizes, whole and split, in a continuous process. This provides the highest quality in each by-product and the possibility to create the market for each of them.

Processing of Vegetable Seeds

This is a process designed and devised for this specific and single group of seeds. Here, the importance lies in the seed value: if the seed quality is high, the future vegetable shall be the best.

Processing of Andean Seeds

Our processing plants for Andean Seeds offer a differential in terms of the quality/productivity ratio, in accordance with the high global requirements and their increasing demand around the world.

Innocuous Processing Plant for Organic Seeds

We contribute to the efforts of Organic Producers for providing healthy food, not adding chemical synthesis products, designing plants that guarantee the harmlessness in the Cleaning, Classifying and Packaging processes, and sustainable over time.

Control and Automation Systems

We develop tailor-made Control and Automation Systems, providing repeatability of processes, storage of operation information and maintenance, remote control and remote supervision.

Storage System

After harvesting grains, storage them inexpensively, in modules, hermetically and safely in our Silo systems. We count with innocuous truck unloading (without special civil work) up to complementary transportation which guarantee precision in seed handling, with little maintenance, great robustness and readiness.

Suction System

These are designed to remove volatile particles suspended in the air due to the cleaning and sorting processes. They provide a safe environment for people and the finished product is pollution free.